History of the Daughters (1000+ pages) is a Compendium of the Epoch 1935 b.c.e. to 44 c.e. as reported in primary ecclesiastic and secular ancient writings of Old and New Testaments, Herodotus, Xenophon, Apocrypha, and Josephus, supplemented by Classic Greek and Roman Historians. A … Continue reading
Category Archives: History of the Daughters
This interview with Tosca Lenci was conducted in the summer of 2012. The questions are in bold type while Tosca’s answers are in plain type. There’s been an exponential growth of and participation in Internet literary publishing, concomitant with the … Continue reading
This interview with Tosca Lenci was conducted in the summer of 2008. The questions are in bold type while Tosca’s answers are in plain type. I understand that by Thanksgiving this year your one-woman publishing company will upload its third … Continue reading